~Zero Ultimate Weapons~
As continue from the last post, even the Wing Zero post. X3
First, come with the Ultra Twin-Buster Rifle mount on shield
Somehow the Weapon look like Meteor Unit from this view. X3
Another Twin-Rifle get! Twin-Twin-Rifle Fire!!!!!!!!
(Wing Zero Custom Twin-Rifle handle bigger than Wing Zero hand, Wing Zero cant hold it properly which can be spot from the picture)
Ok! Now is time to Joke!
Wing Zero in Bird mode(Again), but this time a bit different. can u see from this picture only?X3
Rifle Buster actually hold by hand and not mount at Shield!
Can barely spot the hand holding the Rifle. but if look carefully, the hand actually reverse, can find the different easier if u compare the Bird mode from my preview post.
Again... 4 koma!! From my alt.blog. X3
My alt. Blog: http://endynoart.blogspot.com/2010/06/maxross.html
Macross Zero...(OAV)?
As the picture show, both Bird mode leg still there, so this mean Wing Zero not only have 2 pair Twin-Rifle but also have 2 pair of Leg. Just kidding.X3
Heero: "So, am I Main Character on next Marxross anime?"
Somebody Shout: "Impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
End of fooling around. Hope u enjoy it. X3