Monday, March 29, 2010

Rikuson Z plus final

A close up shot, which taken long time ago,^^;
All Equipment Rikuson have.X3
Bird mode!!
Izit really a bird? it doesnt seem so. X3
Bird mode in standing pose, hand been remove according to the intro.
Bird mode in standing mode with helmet down.
It seem an evil character now. X3

Recently lazy on9,,,maybe juz release from something which tie me long time ago, feel like to relex for a moment. Xp


I bet most of the people know who this guy is, cuz he is the special person who most of time didnt wear combat suit while pilot gundam. ^^;
My current on-going gunpla, started this month, so far oni 45% done. ^^;

Back to Nature, back to basic

Should I say I'am back? after "away" so long~~ finally back here, Haha, wish continue support me. TQ. ^^