Monday, October 26, 2009

My Legend ~~ not I am Legend...X3

HG legend gundam, so far this is the latest HG I finished, HG Legend have effect but dont have stand but 1/100 scale have the action base but dont have effect part. ^^;

Legend x Akatsuki, 12 DRAGOONS ...


  1. Haha, you still have Seed/Destiny's HG left?
    Wait...I can't laugh for too long too...what if another series start and I haven't do my 00 HGs too. XP

    Legend...not really different from Providence when viewed from far huh? X3

  2. ya, this is the last Seed/Destiny HG I got,

    well, Legend origin from Providence so not surprise they similar, juz they back pack different, and the gun rifle also.
