Saturday, September 10, 2011

A little late?

almost time for moon cake festival, everyone in the mood? X3 here go the rest review of my Hi-Nu, through I bad in posing suddenly. =3=

here a little wallpaper designed, or play part for me. anyway, here a bit "omake" from

After MIA that long time, most of the people would think I KIA... better show my self before really get Q. ^^; 


  1. Good one, mate. "Most people"? How many people are there here, here, *echo*? XD

    Those are some awesome Photoshop effects. You gotta teach me that sometimes.

  2. =.=''' Lol, Sure, as long I got time. =)

  3. There's no better time than now!

    You can just type in the process. How do you get the blue effect for the funnels' boost fire? What is that effect for the hyper bazooka smoke?

  4. Haha, sure, just if u can understand it by writing then. ^^;

    for the bazooka smoke, i use the brush only, with the effect every version of photoshop have. just use it and paint it that all. ^^;

    and for the funnels blue effect/ booster mostly like what I did with the on bazooka, I just use the normal brush with 0% hardness then blur it. after that use "smudge" tool smudge it. when the blue part done, then repeat the same method with the white color top of the blue part and done.
    the booster effect stand on two layer, blue and white. Lol.
