Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Magnetic Scout Gundam

My Magnetic Scout Gundam, They with me around 2 month ago n I only open Strike Freedom "egg" only ^^'''
Total have 6 types
GN0000 00gundam

Direct build, without any other add on.

For more Info :


  1. That isn't even qualified as build. lol
    It's just assemble!

    You should at least show its playability. I've read that the head can turn?

  2. =.=''' being catch, ya, is just assemble only. X3

    wait...... the playability I will after I open all the "egg". Haha! XP

  3. HLJ said the "eggs" are random, but...are they? You show 6 eggs and said they are six types, but there are 10 in total so the other 4 are extras?

    If can have all 6 then it's not so random as claimed anymore (by HLJ). ^^;

  4. ya, "they" are random, I dont know I am lucky or not but I have all of them with juz 1 box (10 eggs), I barely have the zaku at the last two egg, ^^;

  5. I think the choices is kinda weird though...why 2 Strike Freedoms when there are so many choices. Besides, there seem to be no 2nd or 3rd set, just this one...

  6. well, actually this MSG got set #2, but all from 00 season 2, this mean 00 gundam repeat again, ^^;
