Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Finally, change the layout, now I can post the picture with big size, my old layout didn't allow me to post picture in big size, and now I finally remove that limit. although reading the HTML code make me headache. ^^; but hard word pay off. ^^

Hope this give my reader more enjoyable while reading. X3


  1. Well done, but I'm still trying to get used to this new layout. It seems so wide all of a sudden.
    You noticed that your left column is pulled to the most left, and the right one to right side, and there's a space in between. Your header also is not wide enough any more. Maybe you need to tweak it a bit more (to ver2.0)? This one is ver1.5 only. XD

  2. ya, I know my banner still remain same size, I somehow figure out what going on now, so will update it soon I solve it. X3
