Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Evagelion Head Hunter

~Rebuild of Evangelion Real Mask Magnet Collection: 1.0.1~
Evangelion packaging, Eva-01 unit horn place separate.
Detail painting, and new color for Eva-01 unit. Hornless Eva-01 unit. ^^

Now to the main dish~

The detail can be spot even without highlight it.^^
but sadly mouth cant go into berserk mode/open mouth. X3

Next is clear? mode
same as normal mode, just all in single color.

The detail added as well, just barely to see it. ^^;


  1. Cool~ what's this? Gashapon? When did you get it?

    Even though I'm not an Eva fan (yet), the face from the side is very cool, no wonder you use it as your new banner. ^^

    The clear(?) version comes in another box? How many did you get? ^^;

  2. No, it sell in box, like G-generation wars collection.

    ya, haha, that my favorite picture here.X3

    ya, clear part from another box, total have 4 version from this box, Eva-0 unit, Eva-01 unit and clear version for each of them. so you can guess how many I have. X3

  3. Can guess how many you have....you just said the number already so no guess is needed. ^^;

    Where did you get it? Online?

  4. Ya, I get it online, and as known already, I gonna have another post that about Eva-00 soon. X3
